Donate to charity to create a positive effect

"If you have no charity in your heart,

you have the worst heart problem. "

Bob Hope Man, this quote is heartbreaking (imagine a heartbreaking emoji here. ) Bob Hope, even though he was a comedian, sounds like a very wonderful philosopher. Charity does not mean emptying all your bank accounts and giving away every penny you have and giving away everything you own. That does not mean you reduce your expenses and live like a hermit so you can help others. Charity 2. 0 - that is, charity belongs to our generation and our time - is a very unique and modern concept. People organize wine parties and even fasting in the community to raise money or donations for a very specific cause. But it may seem like too much work or time right now. So you can start by taking small steps. 

Donate to charity to create a positive effect

I feel that at the end of the day, when everything is said and done, when the blinds are closed and we are alone with our thoughts - we all just want to sleep peacefully. And be happy. Be glad we did what we planned to do today, and thus we helped someone. It can be a very rewarding experience to know that you have been able to help someone in the smallest or largest way possible. It can be as simple as buying a meal for a homeless person or giving a blanket to a homeless person because it is icy cold. 

All charity begins with empathy and the realization that we are all human. And it is our moral duty to help each other overcome obstacles. Some people are simply abused (by fate) when born in extremely poor conditions, and no matter how hard they work, they are unable to overcome challenges. So if you feel like having something to save - whether it's a good thought, a prayer, a healthy meal or a little money - for them, do it. You can donate to a charity of your choice that helps people get an education. It would be great if you decided to partner with Saving Children in Poverty, an Australian non-profit organization that works hard to provide quality education and health care to around 100 (and more!) Slum children in Sector Four. From Faridabad in India. 

When you work and collaborate with Saving Children in Poverty (SCIP), you can contribute to many social and non-profit projects such as:

SCIP ECO SCHOOL - EDUCATION IS A SUCCESS - SCIP ECO School is synonymous with equality, compassion and opportunity. Students learn math, science and language in kindergarten, LKG, UKG, 1st, 2nd and 3rd grade. They are constantly encouraged to deepen their knowledge. You can help the SCIP ECO school grow further by helping them build a new classroom by making the decision to donate to charity. The school has also partnered with the Nehru Academy for scholarships. You can contribute $ 200 and sponsor a child's education for one year. The gift of education is the best gift (and gift) you can give someone because they will be able to fend for themselves in the future. What you are essentially doing is giving them a launch pad and a stronghold for the future. 

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